UN Global Pacts

The Global Pact for the Environment
Yet another ‘non-binding’ UN global pact upon which to base UN controlled global laws begins its journey through the UN system, supported by the Australian government.
Graham Williamson
January 2019

From January 14th-18th UN member countries met in Nairobi to begin negotiating the details of the Global Pact for the Environment. Initially agreed to by the Turnbull government, now being supported by the Morrison government, environmental activists, legal experts, and globalists, are hoping the Pact will address ‘gaps’ in global law, and eventually result in binding global laws which will enforce the provisions of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Change Agreement. There is even a suggestion that these laws be made ‘non-regressive’ or irreversible, irrespective of scientific or democratic considerations.

Image acknowledgement: www.pixabay.com

The outcome of this first meeting was rather inconclusive, and like many UN meetings, the main decision was to have another meeting to resolve differences, no doubt a very disappointing outcome for globalists. Australian taxpayers were well represented, although Australia expressed no concern about ensuring our democratic national laws prevail against the dictates of foreign agencies such as the UN. To the contrary, Australia was mainly concerned that global laws impacting Australia should not be reversed or weakened in any way. Not sure if Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten will be taking this issue to the people.

Also representing Australian interests was a group called ‘The Common Home of Humanity‘, of which Will Steffen is the Scientific Committee Co-chair. Will Steffen’s group emphasised the need for ‘Earth System’ governance and global laws based upon ‘the principle of the common heritage of mankind’ (CHM). Core features of CHM include:

  • No state or person can own common heritage spaces or resources (the principle of non-appropriation). They can be used but not owned, as they are a part of the international heritage (patrimony) and therefore belong to all humankind… … When CHM applies to areas and resources within national jurisdiction, exercise of sovereignty is subject to certain responsibilities to protect the common good.
  • The use of common heritage shall be carried out in accordance with a system of cooperative management for the benefit of all humankind, i.e., for the common good… … . This provides a basis for limiting public or private commercial benefits and prioritizing distribution to others, including developing states (intragenerational equity between present generations of humans).
  • CHM shall be reserved for peaceful purposes (preventing military uses).
  • CHM shall be transmitted to future generations in substantially unimpaired condition (protection of ecological integrity and inter-generational equity between present and future generations of humans).”

Sounds like global ideological interests are well represented, like at all other UN conferences and agreements.

All we need is for the people to be granted a say.

3 thoughts on “UN Global Pacts”

  1. I followed the link ‘The Common Home for Humanity’ (above) and discovered that CHH is a “Platform for ethics and justice for climate change.”

    Wonderful, wonderful. If climate change is caused by the sun as they have been constantly been told, will they have an ethics and justice platform for re-funding the money to the original contributors?

    Note that Australians have never been allowed to vote on international issues or nominate the people who ‘represent’ them.

    We cannot vote about trade agreements, wars, treaties, membership of international organisations. These issues are all delegated to our political servants who then delegate them to unelected foreigners without our permission.

    The foreigners then rule us – it’s the reason the Brits wanted Brexit.

    The closest we came to having a say on anything international was Billy Hughes’ conscription referendum. (I remember discussing Hughes with a friend thirty years ago, who I later discovered was his grandson!).

    PS. the executive of CHH is a colleague of Tim Flannery who was/is a supporter of a carbon tax.

  2. It would be good to see a forensic academic project to trace the origin of this insideous global pact back to its very source in the labyrinthine UN organisation.
    Identifying people and departments who dreamed up this monster and how it progressed to be a ‘must attend’ event would shine a light on how these cancerous embryos actually evolve.
    Their place in the ‘Grand Plan’ should become obvious.
    (A project for The Institute of Public Affairs perhaps?)

    1. Greetings TridentTrue
      A prominent person to investigate is Robert Moeller who is presently investigating US Pres. Trump. He is an over-achiever who became Assistant Secretary General of the UN, and is known as the ‘philosopher of the UN’. He stated that we should have a world government ASAP, and attended the Fourth World Wilderness Conference in Estes Bark, Colorado, when the usual international bankers publicised their plans for world domination through converting the environment into currency.

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